I would like to create a iOS application using the data from Blitzortung, but, after some search, I can't find any information about where I can find the data... I know that the two "live maps" (from LightningMaps.org & Blitzorkung.org) use a websocket service for the data, but I don't know if I can use it in my app...
Is anyone here can tell me where I can find these informations?
Thanks in advance

So, if I understand your links (which I has reading before posting), I need to be a participant to have access to the data?
I don't have the place, nor the knowledge, to mount a station by myself where I live. I don't want to make any profit with the app, just showing the data in a more useful/ergonomic way than using the website on mobile.
Who can I contact to ask permission to use the socket service in use on the sites?
(2015-07-05, 13:22)LenyMcCormick Wrote: [ -> ]So, if I understand your links (which I has reading before posting), I need to be a participant to have access to the data?
I don't have the place, nor the knowledge, to mount a station by myself where I live. I don't want to make any profit with the app, just showing the data in a more useful/ergonomic way than using the website on mobile.
Who can I contact to ask permission to use the socket service in use on the sites?
You won't be able to access complete data without credentials... only the 'publicly available' data... also the websocket may change at any time. Sorry.
Yes, much of the data is and will be, only available to operators. It's part of the network 'deal'.... Send Inquiry to any of the email addresses on the pages in previous post. Again, doubt if you'll receive a prompt or positive reply. Sorry again.
SYSTEM BLUE in final stages will, it is anticipated, offer a 'pre-built' option.
Thanks for your response.
I will still develop a prototype using websocket, then send a mail... we will see...
(2015-07-05, 19:13)LenyMcCormick Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for your response.
I will still develop a prototype using websocket, then send a mail... we will see...
Go For It! Hope it works out!
While BT is a "Hobby", and "Experimental" thingy... many of us consider it much more than that... at some point, it could become a 'serious' credible resource, and we really, really appreciate your interest and willingness...
at least, when BLUE arrives, take a look at it.... the more stations, even very short range, the better the network, and the more accurate the data!
Keep us posted!
Everyone who wants to start an App for mobile devices, should contact us via mail in advance. There are already several applications for different platforms developed by different persons. It makes more sense to work together on just a few Apps. This also makes it much easier for us to help the app developers, i.e. by providing the necessary information and data.