I found this project yesterday, and I think it is awesome!
I plan to set up a station in Campinas-Brazil (90km from São Paulo and ~500km from Rio)..
I was concerned to be an lonely station there, but this topic helped to discover a station in Rio !
If the new stations become plug n play, it will be sweet. I currently live in Europe, I hope to set the station in December/January during my vacations there...
Thats great !
We discovering a new continent
In actuality, there were (are) Columbia SA stations which were Green System Pioneers, if you will...
Currently combined with North America (Region 3)
913 Rio de Janeiro, Copacabana (first red operator...) (Cedric)
939 Rio de Janeiro, Fundão UFRJ (same operator as 913) (Cedric)
935 Atalaya (Damian2) Colombia (Damien)
Several in Columbia waiting for Blue (??) including,
840 RED (went dead, if memory serves, and waiting for Blue) (Damien)
665 Cúcuta Colombia Offline (Green) (Carlos)
669 Barranquilla Colombia Offline (Green) --- likely defunct...
913, 939, 935, 665 added as shown in first post of this thread.
840 & 669 are offline
New lonesome stations :
1417 10.4 Reunion Salazie
1412 10.4 Japan Kanagawa
and a 3rd station for Kazakhstan, Almaty, 1409.
Forgot one ?
Maybe devs could add station 1417 (Ile de la Réunion) to Africa region

1417 not part of Africa ?
No, Africa is part of Europe region
(2015-08-16, 17:55)Knickohr Wrote: [ -> ]We need some stations in Alaska, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Russian Union, Japan ... 
I am currently waiting for the Blue system to be ready so I can add one more to the canadian list.
new station since yesterday :
1445 Malawi Mulanje
This is the 4th station for Africa-region ;-)
(2016-05-13, 08:42)Knickohr Wrote: [ -> ]Ohhh,
new station since yesterday :
1445 Malawi Mulanje
This is the 4th station for Africa-region ;-)
Wonderful news !

Hi Knickohr,
Well, if I do get a "Blue" board from Egon in the next batch of 100 there will be a station in Falkland Islands quite a bit further South than New Zealand.
Roger VP8DBR
Great !
new station im Uganda
5th staton which discovers Africa
Another station light up in Africa
Perfect, west coast of Africa.
By the way, what happens with station in Uganga ? I've never seen it since months.
Following a "work enforced break" I'm finally starting to get my System Blue up and running.
I will be building a couple of "H" antennas and a suitably weather proof "E" antenna.
Then exporting to Falkland Islands, somewhat further South than New Zealand!
Not too much lightning in FI should be interesting though.
Roger VP8DBR
Hoping to get my Falkland Island Blue station up and running this year.
Will build and test a couple of "H" antenna also a weatherproof "E"
antenna. Then ship to Falkland Islands.
FI, a tad further South than New Zealand.
Roger VP8DBR
Any news about the southern african stations?

My station in Namibia (#1305) is hit by lightning
The network (connector or IC) is blown and station will be down until next year in June if I come back to Namibia. A lot of things in my observatory are blown.
Hi Thomas, That is really sad.
About twenty years ago my ham radio station suffered from a near by strike and even that caused a lot of damage and ruined several normal domestic appliances too!
We really do need to get more stations in the southern hemisphere and I wonder what could be done to achieve this?
My sympathies.
Brian I'd love to put one in NZ - but there never seem to be kits available