(2016-09-13, 18:12)RichoAnd Wrote: [ -> ]Minor difference if any
Richo if so, what do you suggest between those two. I was trying to make a loop for my system blue and i m a lit bit lost.
Simple loop or mobius (with or without trafo? )
I m asking cause i just have started to make a 38cm brake pipe mobius with trafo as in your example above and right now i m making my first windings.

38cm "brake pibe" appears simple and robust, and is excellent for outdoor use
(2016-09-13, 19:38)RichoAnd Wrote: [ -> ]38cm "brake pibe" appears simple and robust, and is excellent for outdoor use 
So i shall continue my windings... 30 only left...
Ah. One more question... About the inner core should i prefer 2,5mm copper wire? Ι had plenty of 1,5mm available.
Should i use it or not?
Thanks in advance
(2016-08-11, 06:31).RichoAnd Wrote: [ -> ] (2016-08-10, 12:11)bazzalight Wrote: [ -> ] (2016-05-31, 21:30)RichoAnd Wrote: [ -> ]Richo,
I have started making the H field Copper tube Loop antenna shown in your mini guide and also from http://users.skynet.be/DanielV37/Project...m#Hardware. I have produced 3D print files for the top & bottom Junctions from the drawings on that site and have published these files at http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1713141 . I have included attribution to the design as best I could find reference. Can you have a quick look at this url and advise if any further attribution is needed.
Barry (Australia)
Have a lot of suggestions for changes - water intrusion is a challenge
By the way - time has run from this antenna - it is too large, and intended for System GREEN
Make it of brake tube 5-6 mm and a diameter of ~ 40cm
Most effective is the "Möbius" with transformer
thanks for your earlier advice. I have just commissioned by System Blue (ID=1631) and as per your suggestion I have built a paired 38cm diam Copper Pipe loop (6mm air condition tube) with 50 turn Toroid Ferrite Transformer. After a false start with the ethernet wiring and then playing with the gain and thresholds I think it is performing quite well (noise floor about 19mV & effective detection ratios compare well to other stations in the area). I didn't worry about O ring seals at this point I will use silicon sealant later to keep moisture out (but it won't stop the ants !!)
For others wanting 3d print the top & bottom brackets (or to look at more pics to seed their own designs) I have put them at
(2016-08-11, 06:31)RichoAnd Wrote: [ -> ] (2016-08-10, 12:11)bazzalight Wrote: [ -> ] (2016-05-31, 21:30)RichoAnd Wrote: [ -> ]Richo,
I have started making the H field Copper tube Loop antenna shown in your mini guide and also from http://users.skynet.be/DanielV37/Project...m#Hardware. I have produced 3D print files for the top & bottom Junctions from the drawings on that site and have published these files at http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1713141 . I have included attribution to the design as best I could find reference. Can you have a quick look at this url and advise if any further attribution is needed.
Barry (Australia)
Have a lot of suggestions for changes - water intrusion is a challenge
By the way - time has run from this antenna - it is too large, and intended for System GREEN
Make it of brake tube 5-6 mm and a diameter of ~ 40cm
Most effective is the "Möbius" with transformer
Richo is that connection correct?
(2016-09-27, 15:22)chubros Wrote: [ -> ] (2016-08-11, 06:31)RichoAnd Wrote: [ -> ] (2016-08-10, 12:11)bazzalight Wrote: [ -> ] (2016-05-31, 21:30)RichoAnd Wrote: [ -> ]Richo,
I have started making the H field Copper tube Loop antenna shown in your mini guide and also from http://users.skynet.be/DanielV37/Project...m#Hardware. I have produced 3D print files for the top & bottom Junctions from the drawings on that site and have published these files at http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1713141 . I have included attribution to the design as best I could find reference. Can you have a quick look at this url and advise if any further attribution is needed.
Barry (Australia)
Have a lot of suggestions for changes - water intrusion is a challenge
By the way - time has run from this antenna - it is too large, and intended for System GREEN
Make it of brake tube 5-6 mm and a diameter of ~ 40cm
Most effective is the "Möbius" with transformer
Richo is that connection correct?
Yes - That is right

For ferrite antennas use of heat shrink is a good idea?
They are supplied with shrink tape.
If you make them yourself, you might as well use insulating tape or "GafferTape" or any other tape or varnish
Hi All,
For a multi turns loop with 25m (1.5 diamater) long copper wire we have many possibilities between diameter/number of turns.
Is there an optimum: diameter 1000mm, 3 turns or diameter 380mm, 20 turns as show in the guide or can we build any diameter/turns (inductance is an issue ?) ?
Size of the signal is proportional to the total area of the loop
Read my "mini-guide" about what is necessary
Larger antennas can cause problems.
Thanks Richo,
I'll start with a 60cm diameter, 12 turns.
Hope I'll be soon at position 1 in blue queue
Just received my Blue. I just want to verify my understanding of the jumpers for the ferrite antenna. If ferrite, I do NOT solder the jumpers? Solder only if using Loops.
Oh pooh "correct" is too short an answer!
(2016-11-02, 22:30)allsorts Wrote: [ -> ]Correct.
Oh pooh "correct" is too short an answer!
My assembly on a Blue is finished. The (stupid) question I now have is how to properly connect the two ferrites to the amp. Is it +1 and Ground or +1 and -1. The pattern will be the same for ferrite 2... My signals seem all to have a +0.04v bias to them, both on the E and H signals. My station is 1691. I do have the proper shielded cables.
Loops or ferrites connect to the + and - terminals on the preamp.
A small positive offset of a similar size on all channels is a normal "feature". Mine is +30 mV +/- 10 mV.
Occasionally Ch1A will jump to -190 mV but this isn't reflected on the controller status pages. However I have just noticed that it is included in the strike data uploaded to Blitzortung.