Hello everybody, I am just ready to order my lightning detector. I have ready that the antenna GPS should work up to 10 meter cable. I am quite sure that I will need at least 20 meter cable, beacsue I would like to place the detectors inside the house; anybody has experience in this matter ? Any idea to works also with longer lines ?
Gianpaolo IK1TTD
Well, you gave me a good idea.. I should try to fix the antenna to the upper corner inside the windows.. otherwise I need to redraw all my projext and put everything outised in the garden, joining then just the net cable and the power source, option that I don't like. Hope the option to put on the glass of the windows will work ! Thanks so much !
My BLUE station right now is running with a amplified patch antenna with 15 feet of tiny thin cable, that I used connectors to attach to a longer, thicker low loss cable of about another 15 feet or so. I have been impressed with the still very usable locks I get and the very good noise figures reported by the gps chip.
I think you'll be better using an extention rather than trying to splice the cable, by a long shot. And for a few months until my wife made me move the RED system out of the dining room, it sat on the table and the gps patch antenna was sitting on the floor near a big window and did fine.
I setup my Blue in my lab at work, first floor of a 4 story heavy brick building.
There was a small window about 15 feet away from the antenna and it was able to lock on to GPS after several minutes.
I got this one from Adafruit.
I really had no expectation for the GPS to work at all, but was amazed when it did.
Ok, thanks both Dale.Red and kevinmcc ... excited to try my location now.. Will report soon what will happens. Thanks again.
(2016-08-31, 05:17)kevinmcc Wrote: [ -> ]I got this one from Adafruit.
I really had no expectation for the GPS to work at all, but was amazed when it did.
As my rank is rapidly falling (448 16 Jul, 224 today) I've been looking at GPS antennas, spotted that one but it costs GBP13.00 or so, delivered. There appears to be only one type from Amazon Marketplace sellors with prices from GBP7.00 "fulfilled by Amazon" possibly plus postage and delivery in a few days down to GBP2.20 sent from Hong Kong, delivered in 2 to 4 weeks. eBay is similar.
I've gone for the cheap Hong Kong option and will report back how well it performs.
(2016-08-31, 21:17)allsorts Wrote: [ -> ]There appears to be only one type from Amazon Marketplace sellors with prices from GBP7.00 "fulfilled by Amazon" possibly plus postage and delivery in a few days down to GBP2.20 sent from Hong Kong, delivered in 2 to 4 weeks. eBay is similar.
I've gone for the cheap Hong Kong option and will report back how well it performs.
Well the £2.20, all in, GPS antenna from Hong Kong is giving 100% availability on the Blue system GPS Status section. That's with it on the central bottom handle of a SW facing double glazed window. Only get green signal strengths to the SW but it can "see" satellites all over the sky. Took about two weeks to arrive in the UK.
(Now £2.24...)
(2016-10-02, 19:39)allsorts Wrote: [ -> ] (2016-08-31, 21:17)allsorts Wrote: [ -> ]There appears to be only one type from Amazon Marketplace sellors with prices from GBP7.00 "fulfilled by Amazon" possibly plus postage and delivery in a few days down to GBP2.20 sent from Hong Kong, delivered in 2 to 4 weeks. eBay is similar.
I've gone for the cheap Hong Kong option and will report back how well it performs.
Well the £2.20, all in, GPS antenna from Hong Kong is giving 100% availability on the Blue system GPS Status section. That's with it on the central bottom handle of a SW facing double glazed window. Only get green signal strengths to the SW but it can "see" satellites all over the sky. Took about two weeks to arrive in the UK.
(Now £2.24...)
hi i am new station 2712
new gps fitted but all the time i have fault with 1pps i have good sky view now and the same / GPS: 1PPS inaccurate! Counter is 84082102, should be around 84000000
has some one had this before or can help me look in rigth area? trying to sort it all out for about 2 weeks!!
i just re updated soft 9.2 and left it run ,but now only the power led is on reset push button no change,

not working do i just bin it ?get a new one ?
regards .steeve