Hello all, I just completed my Blue and the ferrite antennas yesterday. Everything appears to be working correctly, but I do not show up on the maps. Rather than re-invent the wheel, is there a post or file that describes troubleshooting for a noob? I see all the graphs, I believe I have the settings correct, but even though the "signal" light goes on occasionally, I am not appearing on the map or under the station list.
Thanks in advance for your patience.

have you been in your account to set the station and it's details ?
access via the login on top of this page ... when I click on your station number I do see your station as being actif but it has some noise you need to find and possibly decrease ...
I see your station on the live map (Florida)
Eric...thanks for the reply. I did find my station on the map. However, I do not record the number of strikes that other somewhat nearby stations do. Is repositioning my H-field antenna the key, or is it a combination of factors to lower the noise and increase the range?
(2017-08-18, 18:47)SteveQlQ Wrote: [ -> ]Eric...thanks for the reply. I did find my station on the map. However, I do not record the number of strikes that other somewhat nearby stations do. Is repositioning my H-field antenna the key, or is it a combination of factors to lower the noise and increase the range?
You look like you have some interference as well. Is your antenna near any electronics? Do you have an e-field probe running too? Looking at your signals page, it looks like you do have one hooked up. Are you running on automatic or manual? What are your gains set at? When I first hooked up, I was running into interference a lot on automatic. When I went to manual and set gains and other options, it got much better even though I'm still fiddling with it all.
And don't forget to set your station settings and details like Eric suggested. Log in here to do that.
I'm right up the road from you in Jupiter. Howdy neighbor!
Hi Joe: Yes, we are relatively close, and I also see another station near you. I do not have an E-field antenna, so I disabled AMP 2 (which apparently was enabled by default). I have not changed anything else since I went online yesterday. Here is the page with what I assume are the gain controls. Do you have recommendations as to what changes I should make, and if there are other pages to modify? How do you see what interference levels I have?
Thanks, Steve (N2QLQ)
Something not quite right?

Joe: hopefully, I have a file attached to this ....
(2017-08-18, 22:18)SteveQlQ Wrote: [ -> ]Joe: hopefully, I have a file attached to this ....
Hey Steve. I have adapt to noise enabled, for me, it seems to make the strike count go up. My gain is 8*4, 8*4, but that might not work for you. Just mess with it till you get good ratios. You do look like you have some noise to figure out. I have an LCD tv that makes my signal look like yours from wherever I put the antenna. Dimming switches and cfl or fluorescent bulbs also make noise. I just recently had bad interference and I turned off the HP filter and it went away. But it was a spike, not constant like yours.
And I think you do have to go to the page linked in my last post to enter in your antennas, and the length. I read here somewhere it has to be entered. Looks like the attached picture.
I didn't see if you changed out of auto or not, if not, you can always try it here:
What are you using for a power supply?
Joe and Kevin..I moved my antenna about 10 feet from where it was and changed the gains to 8x4, 8x4 just as an experiment, and this is a capture of the live signals. Does this look better? Would you send me a copy of yours, so I can make a comparison?
I am using a 1 AMP wall wart from an unused Raspberry Pi. If you think there may be a better one, please let me know brand, model, etc., and I will replace it.
Thanks again.
(2017-08-19, 03:10)SteveQlQ Wrote: [ -> ]Joe and Kevin..I moved my antenna about 10 feet from where it was and changed the gains to 8x4, 8x4 just as an experiment, and this is a capture of the live signals. Does this look better? Would you send me a copy of yours, so I can make a comparison?
I am using a 1 AMP wall wart from an unused Raspberry Pi. If you think there may be a better one, please let me know brand, model, etc., and I will replace it.
Thanks again.
I think it looks pretty good. I don't know why you aren't picking up more strikes. You can probably bring the gains up some if you want, you can always bring them back down if you go into interference.
I put mine up today since I disabled my high pass filter(was causing interference). I'm running 16*5 and 10*8 now, just to see how it will react. Might have to lower it when storms approach.
I've been using an iPad 5v USB adapter, but I just ordered a linear one online. I'll let you know if that cleans it up more when I get it.
Much improved. That 70-75 kHz interference is now gone.
That interference was really strong before.
You can click the Station number in the bottom of our posts and see the signals we are uploading.
There are small compression squiggles in the images, just ignore that.
This the power supply I got after others had recommend it.
There is still the good old trick to find local noise in the house if you still have one of those old little am radio's. Just tune to a free frequency and walk around the house. It'll scatter when you near something polluting the air ....
One more question for you SteveQlQ.
Is your GPS locked on?
How many Satellites does it say you are tracking?
To appear in the list, be sure that you set "anonym" to "N" in your blitzortung profile. Both for your station and your user account.
It seems that you have strong interference. You should consider to relocate your antennas.
Kevin, thanks for the PS recommendation. Attached is the GPS info at the time I wrote this:
THANK YOU ALL!!..After implementing a number of your suggestions, I now seem to be getting some legitimate strike data. I will do some sniffing for interference as mentioned by Eric, and I know I will definitely have to move my antenna assembly where it is just sitting on top of a bookshelf.
I appreciate everyone's help. I know my signals still are not as "pretty" as some, but as a friend says, "If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid!" Once I move the antenna, I will start playing with the parameters again. Unfortunately, I live in a noise rich area, and who knows what will happen when I use my ham transmitter (with an attic antenna...damn HOA's).
Steve N2QLQ
(2017-08-19, 12:38)SteveQlQ Wrote: [ -> ]THANK YOU ALL!!..After implementing a number of your suggestions, I now seem to be getting some legitimate strike data. I will do some sniffing for interference as mentioned by Eric, and I know I will definitely have to move my antenna assembly where it is just sitting on top of a bookshelf.
I appreciate everyone's help. I know my signals still are not as "pretty" as some, but as a friend says, "If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid!" Once I move the antenna, I will start playing with the parameters again. Unfortunately, I live in a noise rich area, and who knows what will happen when I use my ham transmitter (with an attic antenna...damn HOA's).
Steve N2QLQ
This morning you're getting good signals! I'm still working on my optimal setup, hopefully I get it nailed down soon.
My antenna is in my back bedroom, mounted high and seems to work pretty good there.