No Blame! This Is a GOOD IDEA!
Hi All, Blue it is, because that is what we have now, there is already a lot on Red that is historically fun to read, but it won't necessarily help you start with Blue.
Here's one that should fit in there some where.
XX.What happens to all the data?
XX. What are the initial settings and adjustments? What more can I do?
And another:-
XX. What do the LEDS do and show? (Most are self explanatory, but Mode, Fault and Alarm need more.)
Explain Effectivity?
I also agree with Mike, we need forums and discussion links, "both existing and yet-to-be created. Some answers are going to be difficult to put a tight limit the text length."
The interference thread:-
Is a good example
Layout will be important, First to catch people's attention and to make it easy for people to read.
More suggestions to what we already have:-
This list is an example of what could be in such a FAQ:
What do I have to know to be able to assemble and run such a system? (Space available, extra costs, Internet connection type? etc.)
How do I get one of these system blue?
How do I check where I am on the waiting list?
I received the kit, how do I solder the stuff together?
(What else do I need?) (Cables, Plugs, containers, mounting equipment, Test Equipment etc. For example!)
What power supply should I have? (Very important, and vastly under estimated in the current Documentation. Your average Phone Charger and USB to USB mini B adapter just wont cut it!)
How do I access the system interface?
How do I test the assembled system? (Is it in fact working as it should, but just not up to my expectations, due to other factors. Test points, DVM tests, PC based Oscilloscopes, A full test Lab?

"What can I do if it doesn't work?"
How can I register my new station?
What antennas should I have? (The Present ferrites and a short rod antenna are pretty good if there is sufficient network support around you, anything more and there is a great deal already written that is applicable regardless of the system.)
Where should I place the antennas? (I Think more Where should I not place my antennas!

How do I check for noise and why should I? (Time constraints, What is noise?)
How do I hunt for noise sources? (Identify them, The obvious ones in your own house, in the average urban or rural setting! Natural noise, "Huge Noise" that will not be changed, etc., etc.)
Should I use the optional low-pass filters?
How do I solder the low-pass filters?
What are the most important settings in the system interface?
What are these funny wiggles before/ after my signals?
We Need to get them in the "right/logical" order?
I wish to help.