
Full Version: Station 1613 owner change
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I recently purchased station 1613.  The instructions indicate that only new stations will have an account request link.  Can I get a participant account created and the station moved to my account?

The station was in Australia but is now in North America, I see it seems to be connecting to both regions and reading this seems not unusual to connect to more than one region but some numbers seem a little 'off' ( the used/involved numbers seemed high in Oceania and low in the US for a few days but that is now shifting ).  I've also been improving the antenna/antenna location but the ramp in signals used seems in some ways to be more effected by time its been running?

Lightingmaps seems to have some slight oddities: 
  Seems to always show 0 strokes & 0 signals, 0% ratio;dl=9;dc=0;
  Doesn't seem to have a marker for the station (are those using the settings from the owner for location or the GPS data from the station?)

Excited to have a station and keep improving its reception / learning more about the signals and processing.  This is a really cool project, thanks!
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