How close is too close?
We are having an unusual amount of rain and storms with a lot of lightning yesterday and today here in Wisconsin, in the upper midwest of the USA.  The 'train' effect of a stationary positioned front with a lot of energy from the south is positioned so wave after wave of some pretty hot cells has moved over me one right after another.  Usually there is a pause of about 30 to 60 minutes and then along comes another one.

Rain total is now 5.51", with more expected.  Too wet.

But the position of the storm train across my location has provided many cells with lots of cloud to ground lightning to watch.  It is interesting that the main path is about ten miles south of me, although some move by over me, too.

One thing I noticed is that my station's data is used for strike plots up to about 3 to 5 miles away, but anything closer than that shows no participation and many other stations' data used to plot the strike.  This was very consistent all afternoon and evening as I watched.

I wonder if the algorithms screen out extremely close strikes, with some sort of physics being that super close strikes are not well captured with the stations? 

Just curious if anyone has had their station participate in calculating strikes just a few miles or even less?

Oh, the expanding circles for predicting the onset of thunder was very easy to evaluate with hundreds  of chances to watch the circle touch my station and the thunder, if heard, was amazingly close in timing to the estimate provided by the circle.  Very nice.

Stations: 976, 1505

Messages In This Thread
How close is too close? - by Dale.Reid - 2016-09-22, 11:17
RE: How close is too close? - by RichoAnd - 2016-09-22, 13:21
RE: How close is too close? - by Andy Timms - 2016-09-22, 14:37
RE: How close is too close? - by Dale.Reid - 2016-09-23, 01:28
RE: How close is too close? - by piepants - 2016-09-24, 00:05

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