System blue web page fails
Hi all,

after power on it seems all OK (mode & Networks leds on, beeps) but I cannot connect to the internal web page and I don't get any ping response. It's seems that the System blue is on different subnet than my PC. I do not know if this is true (No AV no firewall activated on my PC)

I have read similar issues in the forum but I'm not sure that there are solutions. Any ideas?

I don't yet have the GPS antenna. Is this related to the web issue?

Messages In This Thread
System blue web page fails - by EA3BNF - 2017-05-28, 19:49
RE: System blue web page fails - by allsorts - 2017-05-28, 22:51
RE: System blue web page fails - by DelandeC - 2017-05-29, 06:19
RE: System blue web page fails - by allsorts - 2017-05-29, 09:51
RE: System blue web page fails - by EA3BNF - 2017-05-29, 20:39
RE: System blue web page fails - by EA3BNF - 2017-06-03, 06:55

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