Station Isn't Recognized. Not on List. ETC
(2020-08-18, 14:53)malyan Wrote: Station 1684
Why is the Asian listing displayed? How can you remove Asian? Leave only European?

(2020-08-19, 15:09)cutty Wrote: This question keeps repeating...already answered at least once in this thread alone:
Quote:You are listed twice because your station is server configured to report data covering 2 regions.  Lightning maps will show stations depeding on which region you've logged into on LMO. If no signals are shown in a region, depending on variousd parameters and time frames, you may not show on a specific region listing.

 In this case supporting both Asian region, and Europe.  If you select "all regions" on Blitzortung Station list, you will see 'both' regions.
If removed from Europe, you will no longer help locate for that region. Normally, only selected stations due to quality and location directly support multiple regions.

Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020

Messages In This Thread
Station not on List - by dbromwich - 2019-01-23, 12:12
RE: Station not on List - by Egon - 2019-01-23, 15:20
Not on List. ETC - by geofabryka - 2019-07-21, 06:26

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