Smooth trace, smooth spectrum - strange
how is E-field vs. H-field? More or less? Also, your gain looks pretty high. Mine is broken right now... Lawn mower got the cable to my loops. Will try to fix this week. But, my gain is usually 4x5 or so with a 1 meter 4 turn loops and I routinely participate in strikes in excess of 2000 Km away. Try knocking your gain down a bit and see what the pulses look like and see how much participation you get.
I looked at the satellite pics of where you are, and it looks rural. You are probably on to something with the fencer. Not sure what can be done about that as the output of those is a big spike of short duration. They may easily be 10Kv or higher spikes, and you want to make a lasting impression on whatever gets near the fence without doing anything permanent. As the other poster said, see if you can confirm fencer, and maybe which one. If you can isolate it - verify who's by seeing if you can get it shut for a bit - offer to patrol the fence looking for arcing - hot spot on your radio - and possible vegetation contact. If that might help you and the fence owner.
Stations: 1156

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RE: Smooth trace, smooth spectrum - strange - by BobW - 2017-05-23, 01:37

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