techical details, proceedures, data formats
The Square Kilometer Array South Africa (SKASA) MeerKat engineering group is planning to have an array of blue stations hosted at sites in South Africa. The African Institute for Mathematical Studies in Capetown, South Africa is the first committed site. We will be discussing locations for additional sites, and technical details of the Blitzortung network in a meeting at the Pinelands, South Africa offices on Wednesday July  11th. A page describing the Square Kilometer Array is here:

What is the right way to get technical information?  We have these sorts of questions:

What is the testing procedure for a newly constructed blue?
Does the blue serve a web page, and how is it seen?
How do we register new blue stations?
How do we provide IP addresses for the return lightning location solution data stream?
How do we indicate SKASA server IP addresses so we can program our own solution algorithms?
What are the data formats of the data streams?

Are there engineers among the participant community who would be willing to skype with us to answer these sorts of questions in real time?
Stations: 1916

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techical details, proceedures, data formats - by davidsaroff - 2017-07-09, 11:40

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