PCB for Blue Station
Hello Egon and the other collaborators,
I just allow myself a question.
I am on a badly covered area, Corsica, where for the moment the only station Nr 1401 (Zicavo) seems to be at a standstill or to provide very little information.
You are a judge and propose to become a new resort on this region.
This may interest you ...
I do not try to take advantage of this to progress more quickly in the table but simply to tell you about the situation.
My rank is actually 5502.
Best regards.
Jean-Luc Rostini.

Messages In This Thread
PCB for Blue Station - by JROST - 2018-08-12, 12:31
RE: PCB for Blue Station - by cutty - 2018-08-12, 13:45
RE: PCB for Blue Station - by JROST - 2018-08-12, 14:00
RE: PCB for Blue Station - by Tobi - 2018-08-14, 13:48
RE: PCB for Blue Station - by JROST - 2018-08-22, 13:48
RE: PCB for Blue Station - by cutty - 2018-08-22, 14:20
RE: PCB for Blue Station - by JROST - 2018-08-22, 19:45

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