what does preferentially mean?
When I re-enter my e-mail address to query my rank I get this: "Your request is ranked at position 955 of 1243"
But at the end it also says: "Your request will be treated preferentially, since you have allread submitted your email before July 5. 2016."

Can anybody explain what this mean?
Do I get treated ahead of the normal queue (of 1243 persons)?
And if that is the case, what is my real rank?

I no longer recall when I entered my e-mail address for the first time (before the ranking was introduced), but I do have a e-mail reply from Egon dated 10. August 2014 explaining that systems are sold out.
So after trying to order a system two years ago, I'm now number 955 in the queue?

Messages In This Thread
what does preferentially mean? - by boergefischer - 2016-08-16, 16:27
RE: what does preferentially mean? - by cutty - 2016-08-16, 18:42
what does preferentially mean? - by DelandeC - 2016-08-17, 11:25

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