Hardware, Software, Lightning Physics
Important Threads
- Propagation... why do I miss some signals? (26 Replies)
- Firmware 10 on System Red PCB 10.5 - firmware bug ??? (1 Reply)
- PCB manufacturing for Blitzortung systems (0 Replies)
- System Red for Sale (6 Replies)
- System Green PCB eagle Autodesk files (0 Replies)
- Something is gone wrong (11 Replies)
- Buying a station / kit. Anyone? (7 Replies)
- Schematics for hardware (5 Replies)
- SDR (1 Reply)
- Cloud Dynamics and Lightning Scientists? (4 Replies)
- What Is The Best GPS Antenna/Unit in 2024 (5 Replies)
- Live signals A, LA. (9 Replies)
- GPS antennea seems to die, is this typical of inexpensive units? (16 Replies)
- Could this table be used as a rough reference for calculating the distance? (0 Replies)
- Looking to buy a station (0 Replies)
- Looking to buy..... (0 Replies)
- New station not involved in calculation (3 Replies)
- Ground current (5 Replies)
- Blue Preamp and Red Controller? (1 Reply)
- Calculator for PCB production (1 Reply)
- Looking for a System Blue or Red to Buy (5 Replies)
- Fault mode after big electrostatic discharges. (1 Reply)
- power company installed new meter, poor detection since (6 Replies)
- GPS hosed (0 Replies)
- System Blue is not working after winter closure (2 Replies)
- my station 2550 no strokes for 2 years? (2 Replies)
- Any plug and play systems available? (3 Replies)
- Electrical field measurement (4 Replies)
- New pre-amplifier?? (4 Replies)
- My RTC is VERY wrong (3 Replies)
- What Sensor is Best Suited for My Needs? (0 Replies)
- How to register/2nd owner (6 Replies)
- Max Cable Length (1 Reply)
- MyBo reactived??? (0 Replies)
- System Blue unit appears deaf station 2831 - SOLVED (1 Reply)
- Repair of damaged System Blue (1 Reply)
- Linear power supply (25 Replies)
- Chrome doesn't work as well as Firefox when talking to station (6 Replies)
- Replacing the System Blue mini with micro USB connector (4 Replies)
- Testing USB-chargers (3 Replies)
- Determining lightning polarity (positive or negative) by raw signal processing? (24 Replies)
- Analogic Blitzortung (0 Replies)
- Powered off SystemBlue, only power led comes on now (3 Replies)
- Station blue not visibile on local server ID (6 Replies)
- Looking for a System Blue to Buy (8 Replies)
- Collaboration with PRedictWind.com (4 Replies)
- Want to Buy System Blue aluminum case (5 Replies)
- fault led at first boot (3 Replies)
- Impressive Gigantic Jet Plasma Event (0 Replies)
- plz delete (0 Replies)
- GPS data via tcp/ip (7 Replies)