General Discussion
- Detecting in other Zones? (3 Replies)
- Issue starting Sunday August 1st at 13.00 (2 Replies)
- System Blue for sale (2 Replies)
- Bolts not seen on live map (6 Replies)
- Christmas Spirit Colours (10 Replies)
- Journalism student looking for cool science (2 Replies)
- Global lightning dataset in txt/CSV format (6 Replies)
- OT - Security alert: Change your passwords (1 Reply)
- Latest Hardware (2 Replies)
- Lighning - a panic dog (3 Replies)
- Blitzorduck Thoughts (17 Replies)
- Sky News - accuracy of data (1 Reply)
- construction manual for magnetic antenna (2 Replies)
- Problems displaying historical lightning data? (2 Replies)
- Does Anyone have system Red PCB file? (1 Reply)
- Free to loving UK home - two system blue digital filters (2 Replies)
- Logging in problem (1 Reply)
- Data access for bushfire research project (0 Replies)
- Complete system Blue for sale - now sold (0 Replies)
- What others are doing (universities) (1 Reply)
- System RED available - Nov 2020 - SOLD (2 Replies)
- Another lightning article, 3D mapping at Washington, D.C., USA (0 Replies)
- Lightning SuperBolts news article (0 Replies)
- Station 2835 first tests (6 Replies)
- New Project Blue request form? (11 Replies)
- Blitzortung System Red FOR SALE (15 Replies)
- RED Kit for sale (7 Replies)
- Moved Posts - Unable to read them (3 Replies)
- Station 2828 Running (1 Reply)
- Participation accepted, then no more responses (9 Replies)
- Invitation response (3 Replies)
- getting system on line (0 Replies)
- Location of H-field antenna (2 Replies)
- Station 1406 offline 2,9-24,9,2020 (0 Replies)
- forum validation question (3 Replies)
- Question about the antena in system Blue (7 Replies)
- Strikes shown on fixed size map not shown on dynamic size map (6 Replies)
- new to this project and love it! wanna help! (4 Replies)
- Blitzortung helps locate origin of Mega fire in Australia (1 Reply)
- Hard time with archive (0 Replies)
- Contributor without antenna? (1 Reply)
- Location does not exist on CYA page (1 Reply)
- How to set city and country 2725 (2 Replies)
- Interference (4 Replies)
- Any source for lightning strikes? (8 Replies)
- ELI5: How do lightning tracker websites work? (2 Replies)
- Blitzortung and Photography (32 Replies)
- Lightning animation and map during year 2017 (6 Replies)
- Lightning animation and map during year 2018 (4 Replies)
- Here is a rarity: a new station near the top of the stats! (2 Replies)