
Full Version: About the lightning location accuracy of
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If I purchase the BLUE SYSTEM and join, what would be the lightning detection accuracy within a 10 km radius from the location where the device is installed? I imagine that the more detectors there are near the desired measurement location, the higher the accuracy will be.
Quote:Your station best contributes to the computations if it is placed in a distance between 50 km and 300 km from the discharge. If the storm is nearby, your station usually overrides. Even a very low pre-discharge will cause a very high signal strength because of its low distance.
I've been using the BLUE SYSTEM for a while now, and I can say that in areas with a dense network of detectors, the accuracy is excellent.
(2024-06-25, 01:33)eddistinct Wrote: [ -> ]I've been using the BLUE SYSTEM for a while now, and I can say that in areas with a dense network of detectors, the accuracy is excellent.

if you give us your station number, we will upgrade your status on this forum.
Some android maps use blitzortung data to display lighting positions even at high map zoom levels. I saw which building had been struck by lightning. How accurate is lighting locating in reality?
(2024-07-10, 07:45)rafterhimself Wrote: [ -> ]Some android maps use blitzortung data to display lighting positions even at high map zoom levels. I saw which building had been struck by lightning. How accurate is lighting locating in reality?

(2024-06-21, 04:57)gerbold Wrote: [ -> ]
Hello Dear,

Have you some news about the System Blue Mini (functionnal, not testing, PCB 22.2 + PCB 23.1) ?

Many thanks, 73 F4HTB