As a newbie I'm wondering what the meaning is for the letters that are appearing on the live signals page.
When a stroke is received letters are added : L, P, S or L P.
Can somebody tell me the meaning of those letters?
Frank Veldhuijsen
Holding your mouse over tels you what they means
(2014-09-08, 21:12)RichoAnd Wrote: [ -> ]Holding your mouse over tels you what they means

Richo, if his browser and interface is like mine, it may change too fast to display with mouseover...

But I totally agree... sometimes folks may be a bit fast posting a question before searching the various forums
and project documentation for things previously answered.... and answered... and answered....
L = Signal is below the threshold
P = Signal is below threshold * adjustable percentage
S = Spike detected
M = Amplitude too high
A = Automatic filter by amplitude
Now it's up the them to figure out what all that means....
It was more because I could not remember them all