[moved] German: Access
(2016-05-31, 03:26)Cutty Wrote: it sounds a bit backassward

Hä? It sounds what? If you prefer to use slang, I'll prefer to use Bavarian.

Stations: 92, 1563
(2016-05-31, 07:50)robo Wrote:
(2016-05-31, 03:26)Cutty Wrote: it sounds a bit backassward

Hä? It sounds what? If you prefer to use slang, I'll prefer to use Bavarian.

"it appears reversed, looking from an apparent logical perspective"... Sorry, I shouldn't have used an old slang term that might not translate properly, or be understood by all

Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020
(2016-05-31, 19:40)Tobi Wrote: @Robo: We don't have much rules for the forum and for the project at all. Just "be nice and tolerant" is the most important one, which includes "use the appropriate and correct language". If someone accidentally uses words or says something which you don't understand, then just ask friendly for an explanation. You've ignored this rule already very often by posting a lot of German text. Now you are blaming others for exactly the same thing. If you continue with your behavior, then you will get (at least) banned for some time. This is the last warning. We can not tolerate this any more, we don't have time for that.

Hi Tobias,

ich habe mich sehr über deine Mail gefreut. Und ich habe sie ausführlich beantwortet.

Ich bin auch deiner Bitte nachgekommen und habe im Wetter-Board eine Diskussion über ein erneutes Treffen in Deutschland angestoßen.

Auch wenn ich hier Deutsch gepostet habe (und es gerade wieder tue), einerseits, weil es mir deutlich leichter fällt, andererseits, um auf das Problem aufmerksam zu machen, dass es langjährige Teilnehmer in Deutschland gibt, die geholfen haben, das Blitzortungs-Netzwerk mit aufzubauen, die aber KEIN Englisch sprechen und jetzt ziemlich angepisst sind, weil sie nichts verstehen, was gepostet wird, habe ich, so denke ich doch, immer ein sauberes Deutsch verwendet, das auch mit Online-Tools übersetzungsfähig ist.

Ich habe gerade eben den Stecker gezogen, es muss nicht endgültig sein, aber momentan habe ich die Schnauze voll!

CU Robo Smile
Stations: 92, 1563
Robo, I hope you can understand that this is not possible to translate everything in multiple languages.
Anyway, you can be the link between those early German-speaking particpants and the international forums.

We (French-speaking people) could do the same and invade the forum with tons of post in French. But no, some of us collect the information, translate it and post it on french weather-dedicated forums. And this works (by looking the growth of the network in France)!

So please, do not post in German in the English part so that everyone can understand. Smile
Stations: 733, 1440, 2601
(2016-06-01, 06:37)DelandeC Wrote: Robo, I hope you can understand that this is not possible to translate everything in multiple languages.
Anyway, you can be the link between those early German-speaking particpants and the international forums.

We (French-speaking people) could do the same and invade the forum with tons of post in French. But no, some of us collect the information, translate it and post it on french weather-dedicated forums. And this works (by looking the growth of the network in France)!

So please, do not post in German in the English part so that everyone can understand. Smile

Hi Clément,

it is a very special situation. The project started in Germany and at the beginning the language in the forum was German. Then there were 2 forums, German and English. 2 out of 3 main developers are native German speakers, but they refuse to post in German. Too much work. If you talk to a French speaking person, do you use English?

My English is not very good, so I often use Google Translate or LEO Dictionary. Why shouldn't others use Google Translate to translate my posts in their language?

CU Robo Smile
Stations: 92, 1563
Because lots of people don't need to translate English to understand what is written.
This is why English is the most common language used in the world for international communication, business, technology, science.

If the project wants to reach more and more people, English is the best way !
Stations: 733, 1440, 2601

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