Historical data question
Why did historical data reset before 2021-03-18 on lightningmaps.org???? Can someone tell me why?!?!?!?!?!
(2021-07-06, 21:53)eee Wrote: Why did historical data reset before 2021-03-18 on lightningmaps.org???? Can someone tell me why?!?!?!?!?!

See this thread.  That's why.

Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020
Wait... so does that mean historical data on LightningMaps.org will be forever gone???? Sad

(If not when will you guys fix it?!?)
(2021-07-07, 20:38)eee Wrote: Wait... so does that mean historical data on LightningMaps.org will be forever gone???? Sad

(If not when will you guys fix it?!?)
"We Guys"  don't fix LigtningMaps.org.  That is an 'adjunct' website to Blitzortung Org.  And generally, as posted on that above thread, "gone forever" means just that.

Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020
If you guys control blitzortung and lightningmhmaps.org, can you somehow add blitzortung lightning before 2021-03-18?

(If not tell me why...)
(2021-07-08, 19:00)eee Wrote: If you guys control blitzortung and lightningmhmaps.org, can you somehow add blitzortung lightning before 2021-03-18?

(If not tell me why...)
Your questions have been answered.
Topic closed.

Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020

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