Unassembled kit pics
I'm building up a station for a new member.

For those considering ordering and building a kit, here's what it looks like just out of the box!


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Note that this is only the basic amplifier and controller kit, without STM32F4DISCOVERY board, ferrite rod antennas, external GPS antenna, power supply, and connection cables. This is what we usually send to countries outside of Europe.

Stations: 3071, 3073, 3074

I am a young electrical engineer and scientist in Tampa FL(USA) and I am eager to get started with a contribution to the project with a station here at my house. Please Tell me how much to send and where to for the basic kit. I have the auto generated email sent to me but I am unsure of shipping. I have prototyping experience and can help with the programming effort for the group. I have already begun construction of the antennas as per the PDF. Please PM me.

Joe Register
You've got mail.

(2014-04-07, 20:42)jjregist Wrote: Hello,

I am a young electrical engineer and scientist in Tampa FL(USA) and I am eager to get started with a contribution to the project with a station here at my house. Please Tell me how much to send and where to for the basic kit. I have the auto generated email sent to me but I am unsure of shipping. I have prototyping experience and can help with the programming effort for the group. I have already begun construction of the antennas as per the PDF. Please PM me.

Joe Register
(2014-04-09, 00:48)Donald.Froula Wrote: You've got mail.

Me too, please.
I think AMP kit + PCB controller...
what will be the total cost?
Shipping to Russia
I have two questions,what antenna is preferred? I live in a radio sweet spot Mussel,Bourtange and Sellingen are my potential locations (all three of them if I like it) with very little electrical noise so the wire antenna should do well here.
And about soldering,I can solder like the best but have no SMD soldering station,On the pictures it looks like those processor boards come completely assembled,are there any more really dense microchips that have to be SMD soldered?

I want to buy a complete kit and make my own antenna and not while being in the process notice that I don't have some crucial bits that take another few weeks to order Smile
E-Field antenna should be fine
There are only some op amps, and a GPS requiring a small soldering iron.
Processor board come completely assembled.

Stations: 584, 585, 2017
I live east of Lake Ontario, and in the winter we get intense Lake effect snow, which produces lightning in some of the most intense bands. I am also a amateur radio operator with electronic skills. I am very interested in putting together on of these kits.

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