Hello Victor,
The project is a bit between two phases right now.
The pdf linked in your previous post describes the old hardware revision called RED.
A new version called BLUE will be released very soon.
I suggest that you check for new announcements on http://en.blitzortung.org/whats_new.php and add you mail address on http://en.blitzortung.org/cover_your_area.php
You'll be recontacted by the devs with more information about how to get the new BLUE hardware when it is available.
Please be patient
EDIT: Grilled by Richo
The project is a bit between two phases right now.
The pdf linked in your previous post describes the old hardware revision called RED.
A new version called BLUE will be released very soon.
I suggest that you check for new announcements on http://en.blitzortung.org/whats_new.php and add you mail address on http://en.blitzortung.org/cover_your_area.php
You'll be recontacted by the devs with more information about how to get the new BLUE hardware when it is available.
Please be patient
EDIT: Grilled by Richo