For my tests I just used a loop antenna connected to a homebrew low noise baseband amplifier, fed to a 'scope. As you might expect, the loop had good sharp nulls, so it was fairly easy to tame Skelton. That then brought Anthorn "on-beam" but at nowhere near the same level.
I mused about notch filters, etc. but concluded that they probably wouldn't work. Anything that looks like a tuned circuit at the front end is likely to cause timing/phasing issues or mess up the pulse signature of the lightning strikes. At the end of the day we are only dealing with tens of kHz so although RF engineering rules still apply, more or less, what we are really dealing with is a form of baseband.
I ought to do a bit more experimenting but as I say, the moment passed and other things are taking up my hobby time now. Maybe next year...?
I mused about notch filters, etc. but concluded that they probably wouldn't work. Anything that looks like a tuned circuit at the front end is likely to cause timing/phasing issues or mess up the pulse signature of the lightning strikes. At the end of the day we are only dealing with tens of kHz so although RF engineering rules still apply, more or less, what we are really dealing with is a form of baseband.
I ought to do a bit more experimenting but as I say, the moment passed and other things are taking up my hobby time now. Maybe next year...?