Live signals A, LA.
Many Questions can be resolved using controller gui page..
"About"  " Manual"
e.g. your query:

The mouseover, tracker and GPS info MAY  NOT always be displayed on controller,
IF controller is using max memory for SIGNALS processing... mem is limited, and
the 'page GUI displays' are the first to be sacrificed in order to send / recieve data.

Re: 'automatic" mode... as Gerbold mentions, Many operators rely on full automatic...
and it definitely is a plus in some situations.  However, in general, for BEST data, etc,
it's better to operate in manual mode, with optimized settings, so that the 'relative' status
remains consistent for a station... 'effective gain', relative peaks, noise basement etc. 
When 'optimizing' a station for it's environment, location, etc, Automatic should NEVER be used
always use manual to establish the 'general' ambient environment averages over a period of time.
There are other reasons 'automatic' MAY NOT be the best mode of operation for most
stations, but as Gerbold suggests, for some locations may benefit from it's deployment.  
In my case,
with my extremely variable noise environment, for example, automatic is quite detrimental,
I prefer to allow the Interference Modes to operate as designed, most of the time, and rarely
make an adjustment otherwise. 

In extreme situations, I have built up a 'composite' remote, which runs locally on my 'main' PC,
where I can manually hit all my systems at once, according to long term 'general'
situation adjustments.  A crappy video of it to illustrate is here:
It's not always 'effective', IF the controllers are under heavy data processing
and the moment, but then I shouldn't be 'diddling' with them that much, since it plays heck
with the 'relative' station DNA pattern stored in the receiving servers processing computer.
(The 'Sieve' database of last 1000 signals sent).

Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020

Messages In This Thread
Live signals A, LA. - by tickertapes - 2024-09-02, 20:35
RE: Live signals A, LA. - by dupreezd - 2024-09-02, 20:53
RE: Live signals A, LA. - by gerbold - 2024-09-03, 05:17
RE: Live signals A, LA. - by cutty - 2024-09-03, 12:05
RE: Live signals A, LA. - by tickertapes - 2024-09-03, 19:29
RE: Live signals A, LA. - by mwaters - 2024-09-03, 23:36
RE: Live signals A, LA. - by gerbold - 2024-09-05, 06:10
RE: Live signals A, LA. - by Kets_One - 2024-09-04, 07:38
RE: Live signals A, LA. - by tickertapes - 2024-09-04, 12:12
RE: Live signals A, LA. - by dupreezd - 2024-09-04, 22:54

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