earth ellipsoid - smallest number of stations
caused by working with "mds" and station numbers given by raw TOA material I wondered about two questions:

1) The network uses GPS to determine the location of a station and to provide them with a precise timestamp.
But in what way is the earth approximated as an ideal spheric?
Could it be that the network uses the WGS-84 ellipsoid like e.g. aviation does?
2) Looking for the smallest number of stations required I got the following values:
Europe        12
America        11
Oceania        7

(Indeed I am quite sure only six or seven stations were needed a couple of years ago concerning Europe.)
In what way did/ does the smallest required number of stations change, concerning the three regions?

best regards

and thanks for your time...
Stations: 416

Messages In This Thread
earth ellipsoid - smallest number of stations - by RiePa - 2016-03-27, 17:22

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