Future SW feature "Mobile phone notification on..."?
He all, hi developers,

I'm running a Blue System with the latest Beta-SW version. This one has a feature "ALERTS"  and "ACTION" where the system calls an URL or makes some noise depending on the set parameters.

So my idea for a future SW release is if there is enough free memory left to implement a feature which brings a notification to a mobile phone or tablet if an individual limit is exceeded.
For example I'm using a home automation system based on a open source platform using a Raspberry Pi (http://www.domoticz.com/) where the developers have implemented the option to trigger those notifications.
You need a personal API-key which has to be stored in the setup and an APP on the phone like from those:


Then depending on the settings a message will pop up on the phone if some value is exceeded even if the phone is in idle mode.
73 de Hartmut / DK5LH

Stations: 1582

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Future SW feature "Mobile phone notification on..."? - by elythomaslumber - 2016-10-30, 13:38

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