home made ferrite antennas
I have made several sets of ferrites, winding with cores made from rods available here in the US and using 24 gauge and then shrink wrapping them.  I followed the example of several folks here who precede me both time with the project and in experience and they haven't changed to commercial that I know of.

My stations routinely 'see' a thousand to 2,000 Km, and the signals look good to me.

Just part of the hobby in doing things.  I know the designers want to have standard signals from contributors so that they can tweak the subroutines, but following the instructions and photos given here (just butt the rods together, don't try gluing them) and winding and no using any termination or attempt at tuning the antennas seems to have worked well.

I found it saved a little money and at the same time a feeling of really making this an amateur project.

But if the designers insist, then do it as they ask, I guess.
Stations: 976, 1505

Messages In This Thread
home made ferrite antennas - by opadavis - 2017-07-22, 00:53
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by readbueno - 2017-07-22, 01:26
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by opadavis - 2017-07-22, 04:08
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by cutty - 2017-07-22, 10:58
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by Dale.Reid - 2017-07-22, 01:46
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by opadavis - 2017-07-22, 14:42
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by cutty - 2017-07-22, 15:23
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by opadavis - 2017-07-23, 14:42
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by pasense - 2017-07-23, 15:32
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by cutty - 2017-07-23, 18:36
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by pasense - 2017-07-23, 19:34

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