new user - some questions
Hi I am new here and need to ask a couple of questions

there is specific distance where to install The Magnetic antenna (h-field) and the system housing?
and the ferrite antennas can be placed in a plastic tubes?  

Stations: 1978

Messages In This Thread
new user - some questions - by fmuscat - 2017-08-27, 20:39
RE: new user - some questions - by BobW - 2017-08-28, 04:04
RE: new user - some questions - by fmuscat - 2017-08-29, 21:15
RE: new user - some questions - by readbueno - 2017-08-29, 23:13
RE: new user - some questions - by kevinmcc - 2017-08-29, 23:55
RE: new user - some questions - by readbueno - 2017-08-30, 00:11
RE: new user - some questions - by cutty - 2017-08-30, 00:21
RE: new user - some questions - by RichoAnd - 2017-08-30, 00:50
RE: new user - some questions - by readbueno - 2017-08-30, 09:13

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