How does one become a receiver station builder?
I have been a lurker, just a blitzortung site watcher from time to time,  not very active but now wish to learn how to build a  Lightning detector receiver, and possibly place it at a needed remote region for use.
How do I start?  Where can I purchase necessary board, parts, kits, of the latest version of the receiver?
If the group had a most needed region world wide to place a new receiver, where would it be?     

Also, has anyone studied  detector efficiency in terms of hits when it is at an Antipode location?  Is there an increase in signal or propagation enhancement when you are at an antipode from the lightning strike?

Is there any way to quickly find and bring up a webcam at a location of an active lightning storm? 

If you are a ham radio operator,  say in the USA , California west coast,  and you see a severe storm in Florida and pointed your quads, or yagis to Florida, would you notice in receiver audio a higher noise level  or  lightning noise bursts when properly aimed at a high activity region, on the Blitzortung map?
Could you correlate seeing, specific strikes, factoring in the  multi second, delay factor, with what you hear?

Messages In This Thread
How does one become a receiver station builder? - by Moonbouncer - 2020-04-30, 11:27

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