OT - Security alert: Change your passwords
(2021-06-09, 19:27)mwaters Wrote: https://bgr.com/tech/data-leak-exposes-b...e-5930388/

"Basically, there’s been another huge data leak, this time exposing several billion passwords in what just might be the biggest dump of passwords online ever.

"If you’re reading these words, suffice it to say you probably need to change your passwords. Today, even. That’s because this new password leak is comparable in scale to the so-called “Compilation of Many Breaches,” or COMB, ...

"This new leaked password dataset, of course, is more than double that previous collection. And when you stop and consider that there are more than 7 billion people in the world, this means that there’s a strong likelihood that one of your myriad passwords is very likely caught up in this leak. CyberNews is recommending that anyone who wants to check and see if their passwords are included in this dataset should visit the CyberNews personal data leak checker or the leaked password checker, where password entries from the RockYou2021 compilation are being uploaded. ... "

thank you for this information. Smile
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RE: OT - Security alert: Change your passwords - by MTO-Mareuil - 2021-06-23, 07:01

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