2014-07-14, 21:50
Is it possible to indicate on the realtime map when a station detects a strike, even if it's not used for positioning the strike ? ( aka a brighter green color for the station as for those that get the line drawn to it ? )
I notice that when I have my "signals" page open in one window, and the realtime screen in another, that my signal "beeps" quite a lot (reals detected strikes according to waveform), but the stations seems almost "dead" on the realtime window.
I even have heard the beeps interval repeated by the ticks from the realtime window, a few sec's
later... but still seems like a dead station at the realtime....
Some of the fun when you have a station at a distance from the "crowd", is to see how far your station is detecting strikes...
btw; Here are my facebook "lightening scrapbook"
Regards, Asbjørn Aamot
I notice that when I have my "signals" page open in one window, and the realtime screen in another, that my signal "beeps" quite a lot (reals detected strikes according to waveform), but the stations seems almost "dead" on the realtime window.
I even have heard the beeps interval repeated by the ticks from the realtime window, a few sec's
later... but still seems like a dead station at the realtime....
Some of the fun when you have a station at a distance from the "crowd", is to see how far your station is detecting strikes...

btw; Here are my facebook "lightening scrapbook"
Regards, Asbjørn Aamot
Stations: 1028