Strike accuracy question
[attachment=1242][attachment=1243]Hi all,

I saw something last night that I had a question about. There were some storms last night slightly north of where I live. It appears that the positions of the detected lightning overshot where the lightning actually was. I think this is possibly because there were no stations receiving the lightning to the southeast of where the lightning was, and the system was just making a best guess as to where the strikes were given that it actually couldn't triangulate it on three sides.

See the attached screen shots of the radar in the area, and the Blitzortung web page. From the Wilmington area to the southeast, it was actually clear air, with no lightning.

As soon as kits are available, I'm on board with adding a station here. Hopefully that will help.

Messages In This Thread
Strike accuracy question - by BobW - 2014-06-27, 17:30
RE: Strike accuracy question - by RichoAnd - 2014-06-27, 19:13
RE: Strike accuracy question - by cutty - 2014-06-27, 20:22

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