Newsletter 1/2015
Dear participants and all others who are interested in!

First of all, we want to thank you all for your support! Thanks to you, has grown to a great international community and it makes really a lot of fun! Smile

2014 was by far the "best" year ever. Due to the interest in the new real-time maps, there was a big growth in popularity. Our main websites and together had 50 million page views. There were dozens of news articles online and in newspapers in several countries about the project. Some participants even had interviews with TV stations and there were also talks about the project on weather congresses.

Additionally we also had thousands of requests about the hardware, but unfortunately we could not satisfy all of them. This year we want to improve the hardware availability with a new generation of lightning detectors.

Announcement of System BLUE

Our forthcoming lightning detection hardware will be called System BLUE. We are working very intensive on the development of this system, but can still not say any fixed date when it will be available - hopefully in second quarter of 2015.

The System BLUE main board will be offered already assembled, gets some additional digital components, and some changes in the analog part. The main board is designed such that it fits into a housing which we also want to offer. In best case, you will get a completely assembled main device.


System RED

We do not offer controller or amplifier boards of System RED any more. We still have a few kits as reserve, but only for the case that some well-functioning stations fail or for strategically very important locations. Please do not request these kits but leave your e-mail address with your location on the "Cover your Area" page here.

All participants that currently are running a System RED do not need to update their system. Its signal quality and overall performance is similar or even equal as the upcoming BLUE system. By the way: If you have some unassembled hardware, RED PCBs or spare parts left, then you might want to offer them in our forum now. Other users might still need them.

System GREEN

Many users are still working with the good old GREEN stations. These stations are used to build up the TOA network. Big thanks to all you pioneers for your efforts. Smile

Unfortunately, these GREEN detectors can not record all needed signal information. This is one of the main advantages of System RED and BLUE which becomes increasingly important for improving the location quality. That is, the significance of the GREEN stations is already decreasing and will decrease in future. However, we can continue for a longer time the assignment of the GREEN signals to the computed strikes, but also want to announce all honesty, that the GREEN stations will not further contribute to the computations sometime when we have enough RED and BLUE station. This might already happen this year.

We announce this information already now such that all GREEN users have enough time to think about a change. We also hope that you understand our decision that we will not create new accounts for system GREEN detectors. Our aim is to substitute these detectors and not to change the owners. All participants with a running GREEN station will treated preferentially and probably get some special advantages when they want to exchange their station into a BLUE one. Wink

There will be another newsletter with more detailed information about the new hardware and other topics within the next months. Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments here. Please note, that we currently might not have enough time to answer all your questions here, but we will try our best to inform you about upcoming news as soon as possible.

Have fun, thank you and best regards

The crew LightningLightning
Congratulations for this newsletter. This was much appreciated.

As an owner of a green system, I look forward to hearing from you about the blue one Big Grin
Stations: 1475
(2015-02-01, 10:40)Joel Wrote: Congratulations for this newsletter. This was much appreciated.

As an owner of a green system, I look forward to hearing from you about the blue one Big Grin

Great Announcement,

I am looking forward to the new BLUE system.

Greatings Nol Versteeg
Stations: 326
Thanks for the update and all the time and effort to continue to improve Blitzortung.

I am looking forward to learning the details regarding upgrading our GREEN systems to BLUE systems.

Hopefully the new systems can be distributed to the USA before the Spring storms begin...although right now we are in the midst of a heavy snow storm with near blizzard conditions in Minnesota.

Do you have an approximate estimate of the upgrade costs for GREEN systems?
Stations: 671, 1699, 1723
bonjour, je viens de lire l'information pour le nouveau système bleu, pour ma part j'ai encore un système vert et je compte le remplacer par le nouveau système quand il sera disponible
Patrick Vandervalle
station de Chaineux 375
Stations: 2113
Thanks for the Newsletter,,and i looking forward for the new blue system.

regards hans
Stations: 256
I can't wait for the new BLUE System.
Please let me know when it is available.

Gert Schomaker
Stations: 295
As an early member of Looking forward the BLUE Sytem!
Stations: 2116
I am a GREEN owner, thinking to RED, looks to become BLUE, let me know when it's available.
Gabriele Pini - Station 391
Stations: 391
I am a GREEN owner, looks to become BLUE, let me know when it's available.
Guten Tag aus Trieste,
Ich warte das neue system für ein upgrade!
Ich habe ein neues Ort (+350m) mit internet verbindung.
So mein alte system kann als backup bleiben oder im ruhe schlafen.... muss sprechen..
Wann kann man kaufen bitte schreiben mir!!
Stations: 220

I can only emphasize that beyond I would like to exchange my GREEN system to a BLUE one too this newsletter is a clear sign that the community and the heads of this project are alive and moreover this is a clear statement for the future.

Beyond the hardware development I would appreciate more newsletter like this with a clear red line and a roadmap where this will grow to.

In addition I am happy to support whereever support is needed.

best regards
Stations: 74
Danke erste eimal für den neuen Newsletter,

ich bin erfreut zu hören, dass das Projekt Blitzortung so grosse Resonaz findet und möchte als "green user" auch weiter meinen Beitrag dazu leisten.

Bitte informiert mich, wo und wann ich ein "Blue" vorbestellen kann, da bei meiner "green" der Umsetzer RS232 to IP defekt ist.
Ich werde dies sodann ersetzen

kameradschaftliche Grüsse
aus dem Süden Bayerns
Guten Tag

Ich bin aktuell auch GREEN-User und würde gerne ebenfalls das BLUE vorbestellen. Smile
Infos bitte per Mail und bitte, kann ich den Usernamen ändern auf SSVUFS?

Danke und Gruss
Stations: 169

i'm also a green owner and would be willing to change & possibly install a additional station on a different site.
pls. let me know when pre orders are accepted..

kind regards
Stations: 404, 1644
Hello , I am also Green votes and would like to register for the system Blue.

Will there be an extra thread for the orders?

Thank you very much and greetings from Leipzig
Stations: 1661
Hi, I am a GREEN owner, i want upgrade it to BLUE, let me know when it's available. My ID station is : 365
Stations: 1625, 2791
I hope the blue version is plug and play.

Hope the green/red owners will get some discount on the blue version Smile
If you need a beta tester, mail me.
Stations: 551
Hallo all,
i´m also a owner of a green system and very interested to get a new blue system.
Please inform me if the new System is available or preorders are accepted.

With kind regards

Station: 1153
I currently do not own a system and would be quite interested in the preassembled BLUE system with housing. Will keep my eyes peeled for the availability announcement!
I am also interested in getting a BLUE system, please put me on the waiting list.

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