Schematic help
I've completed RED system boards received a week ago. Loaded the software and got an OK from the programmer (after updating the ST firmware). All of the LEDs are appropriate and the Ethernet controller flashes appropriately. But screen is dark. Checking the module supply voltage on pin 2 gives me about 2.3 volts. On pin 3 sort of varies, but positive rather than the expected negative. I do have 5 volts on the back lite supply pin17. These measurements with or without the module DIP122-5NLED installed.

This is PCB10 ver4 11/2013. The pdf instructions Figure 43 with the schematic (for ver3) is blank. I can probably follow traces and do a schematic, but pin 2 doesn't seem to have a trace to my eyes and it would be a lot easier with a schematic.

Anyone help? Thanks,
Stations: 1298

First of will be sure that the LCD is inserted in the right way (pin 1 - 10).

If you use a amber or blue display you need to open JP1.
Stations: 733, 1440, 2601
Module inserted correctly. Have the green module. On the DIP122-5 I have 3.3 v on pin2 (which the data sheets says should be 5v) This pin is connected to the surface 3.3 v bus so is OK. I have 5v on pin 17 for the backlight and about 2v on pin 18 which is net negative back lite so I suspect this is for adjusting the back light brightness. The big problem seems to be on pin3 for the contrast adjustment. Data sheet says -4V which the board documents say is derived from a PWM output of the ST. I get +.9v on pin3, -.6v and -.3v as I go down the voltage multiplier. Suspect this is the problem. ?????
Put a different ST32 in. Came up with a Hard fault error and kept rebooting. Erased the memory and reinstalled over and over. Occasionally got a log in or entry page which lasted part of a second. Finally on about the 15th reset it came up with a firm Controller ID. Will let it burn in, box up the amp, etc and move it to a remote location. Will need to use an outside antenna. Not sure to use the one on the board outside. Thanks for the help and good documentation. N0UU
Stations: 1298
Running for 12 hrs. Now to get the antenna attached and GPS in a better place. Buzzer sounds like a rattlesnake at times!
Stations: 1298
You should definitely check your solder joints on both controller and amplifier boards.

At this time more than 30,000 signals/h et no strikes detected.
Stations: 733, 1440, 2601
(2015-02-14, 05:17)Lawrence Stoskopf Wrote: Put a different ST32 in.  Came up with a Hard fault error and kept rebooting.  Erased the memory and reinstalled over and over.  Occasionally got a log in or entry page which lasted part of a second.  Finally on about the 15th reset it came up with a firm Controller ID.  Will let it burn in, box up the amp, etc and move it to a remote location.  Will need to use an outside antenna.  Not sure to use the one on the board outside.  Thanks for the help and good documentation.  N0UU

Hi Lawrence,

This is not a very usual case so please know that there are some issues with your system. I'm not sure whey you would get a login page which only show for a few seconds. I'm not sure but just curious as to why and how did it finally work? Did you change something which made it come up with a Controller ID? It should always simply show the ID when inquiry is made instead of having to erase the memory over an over. I doubt that the memory is getting erased properly, it just be erasing the index. 

pcb assembly prototype
Runs for days at a time and then hangs.  I'm working on a non-switching battery back up supply plus adding the PCB 13 ver 1b amplifier.  Thanks for the help.
Stations: 1298

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