Hi Cutty, How does this look in your scheme of things. I am the third black dot a little to the right, yours is the top black dot and another Mike is just a little to the left of my dot.
Whilst I feel that I have, even yet, considerable "headroom" for improvement, my station appears to work quite efficiently when there is Lightning to report and sends very few signals when there is not.
I presume that some of those signals at least are "Housekeeping" between the station and the server? Rather than just wastage.
As a European coastal station added to Region 3, I feel that the benefit to both regions when there are storms in the North Atlantic are significant.
Maybe more coastal stations would consider this option in various situations?
I am also considering, some time over the winter, to have a dedicated antenna, with which to assist, if possible, the new stations in Africa.
As nearly three-quarters of my horizon is ocean it should be possible to "null" out most of Europe by careful positioning of the antenna, I was thinking of a single three turn Mobius type, and for this specific example, a certain amount of Dxing would be legitimate and beneficial to the development of the Network.
This use of a deeply nulled single antenna could be of use in various other situations as well?
Whilst I feel that I have, even yet, considerable "headroom" for improvement, my station appears to work quite efficiently when there is Lightning to report and sends very few signals when there is not.
I presume that some of those signals at least are "Housekeeping" between the station and the server? Rather than just wastage.
As a European coastal station added to Region 3, I feel that the benefit to both regions when there are storms in the North Atlantic are significant.
Maybe more coastal stations would consider this option in various situations?
I am also considering, some time over the winter, to have a dedicated antenna, with which to assist, if possible, the new stations in Africa.
As nearly three-quarters of my horizon is ocean it should be possible to "null" out most of Europe by careful positioning of the antenna, I was thinking of a single three turn Mobius type, and for this specific example, a certain amount of Dxing would be legitimate and beneficial to the development of the Network.
This use of a deeply nulled single antenna could be of use in various other situations as well?
