To Tobi
Delande is correct.... your three Green systems were registered with different user IDs
148 and 337 last sent a stroke signal yesterday, 05/28
614 hasn't sent a stroke signal since June of 2014.
As for
...each station was created with a different User login name, and only 614 has the User Name of "Bergkvar"
the other 2 are different Logins... Only 148 has an email address registered.
You created all three stations about the same time in 2014 and haven't logged into Lightning Maps Org
since May 14 of 2014.

So, different ID numbers, and different Logins for each station.  And 614 isn't sending.  Only station
614 would show up under the User ID "Bergkvar" if all other information was correct.

I have modified your signature to reflect the other two stations...

The station status is available under the Blitzortung Participant page.


Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020

Messages In This Thread
To Tobi - by Bergkvar - 2015-05-27, 12:48
RE: To Tobi - by Tobi - 2015-05-27, 15:36
To Tobi - by DelandeC - 2015-05-27, 16:54
RE: To Tobi - by Bergkvar - 2015-05-27, 17:48
RE: To Tobi - by Joel - 2015-05-28, 09:54
RE: To Tobi - by Toxic - 2015-05-28, 11:53
RE: To Tobi - by cutty - 2015-05-28, 13:24
RE: To Tobi - by Tobi - 2015-05-28, 15:20
RE: To Tobi - by LennartJ - 2015-05-29, 15:36

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