System Blue availability?
My main heavy usage of downstream is when I switch on my VPN to give me a UK IP address and watch Sky television by logging on to my UK Sky account. This is normally for sports events that are not being broadcast on Free to Air television. To get HD, this uses all my downstream bandwidth. However this is only about every two weeks or so to watch F1 GP practice and racing. For health reasons I have had to give up my race competition licence, due to delayed after effects from a very bad accident in the 1970's but I still like to watch it.

Messages In This Thread
System Blue availability? - by NorthObserver - 2015-07-06, 10:04
RE: System Blue availability? - by cutty - 2015-07-06, 10:31
RE: System Blue availability? - by DelandeC - 2015-07-06, 14:51
System Blue availability? - by DelandeC - 2015-08-26, 15:48
System Blue availability? - by DelandeC - 2015-08-27, 05:32
RE: System Blue availability? - by wilsonlaidlaw - 2015-08-27, 06:48
RE: System Blue availability? - by kevinmcc - 2015-10-02, 04:33
RE: System Blue availability? - by Bonzo - 2015-10-02, 18:45

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