2016-03-01, 22:16
(2016-03-01, 21:53)Bonzo Wrote: It's just a feeling, Cutty!Yep. One of the things I meant when I mentioned 'follow instructions'...
a scenario: once you have crosstalk from the network- to the
signalcables these cables become antennas and then the signals
come close to the antenna/sensor preamps. The filters will work only
well for differential mode signals. So the out-of-band signals might, under
circumstances, cause nonlinear behaviour of the preamps.
Everything stands or falls with proper grounding.

For e.g. Red specifies ONE GROUND only! Specifically, the one on the controller board. Many stations don't even need that one. Our issues haven't been with 'grounds' so much as other interferers, (outside of poor USB power supplies) such as NATO and other Submarine transmitters, remote control lawnmowers, electric fences, etc... and in my case, a Welding Line on a Truck Axle Factory a half mile away, and stupid failing Vapor Street Lights.
The developers pretty much have this in hand...