I need Help

I think PCB 6v3 has a serial connection  Huh

So you'll to connect it to a RS232 (COM) port on your PC.
On new computer there might be no COM port left so you need a Serial to USB converter (I use this one: http://www.digitus.info/en/products/acce...-da-70156/)
Stations: 733, 1440, 2601

Messages In This Thread
I need Help - by huberto - 2015-10-08, 20:49
RE: I need Help - by DelandeC - 2015-10-09, 12:17
RE: I need Help - by huberto - 2015-10-09, 21:07
RE: I need Help - by huberto - 2015-10-09, 21:08
RE: I need Help - by DelandeC - 2015-10-10, 07:00
RE: I need Help - by huberto - 2015-10-10, 11:31
RE: I need Help - by huberto - 2015-10-10, 15:01
RE: I need Help - by huberto - 2015-10-10, 16:07

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