Hi Bill...
Yes, if two loops are phased correctly, and at right angles, and both signals can be viewed at the same time, it is possible, theoretically, to get at least a 'rough' azimuth by comparing the signals... Yes, there will be 'signal phase' differences between each loop, depending upon direction the signal cuts the loops. This is NOT true for a single E field Probe, which is omnidirectional.
Some time ago, Richo, one of the developers, loaded a diagram on this forum, which I modified for my own use,
which illustrates this.... attached.... this is basically a 'DF" (direction finding) technique, as opposed to a 'locating' technique.
Thus the Noise Signal in the third image would be sourced generally SW, assuming the antennas were NS/EW oriented...
Note that Blitzortung does not care about azimuth. The signals are actually 'same polarized' automatically by our processing servers, and the Time of Arrival of the discharge impulse and the computed Time of Group arrival of associated impulses is calculated against other station signals to produce a location for the sferic. This is a 'network' system, and no station stands alone.
Yes, if two loops are phased correctly, and at right angles, and both signals can be viewed at the same time, it is possible, theoretically, to get at least a 'rough' azimuth by comparing the signals... Yes, there will be 'signal phase' differences between each loop, depending upon direction the signal cuts the loops. This is NOT true for a single E field Probe, which is omnidirectional.
Some time ago, Richo, one of the developers, loaded a diagram on this forum, which I modified for my own use,

Thus the Noise Signal in the third image would be sourced generally SW, assuming the antennas were NS/EW oriented...
Note that Blitzortung does not care about azimuth. The signals are actually 'same polarized' automatically by our processing servers, and the Time of Arrival of the discharge impulse and the computed Time of Group arrival of associated impulses is calculated against other station signals to produce a location for the sferic. This is a 'network' system, and no station stands alone.