Looking to setup a new station near Barcelone
Hi All,

I've been looking all around blitzortung.org but can't manage to find how I could acquire the hardware for setting up a new station in a city near by Barcelone (spain). I spend 100% of my time developing, assembling and programming custom hardware of almost any complexity so it will be no problem at all if I have to assemble and setup all things to get it to work.

How could I acquire the kit? Thanks a lot in advance.

Best regards, Victor

All the information are on that page : http://es.blitzortung.org/cover_your_area.php Smile
Stations: 733, 1440, 2601
(2016-03-31, 17:47)DelandeC Wrote: Hello,

All the information are on that page : http://es.blitzortung.org/cover_your_area.php Smile

Thanks for your replay, DelandeC.

At first I read that page in diagonal (bad habit, sorry for that). Now I've read both the page at http://es.blitzortung.org/cover_your_area.php and the pdf pointed at here to completion. It can be read in the page

Quote:A detailed description about how to participate to the network and how to setup an own receiver can be found in the following document

...then comes a description of System BLUE and later on there is a PDF link. The pdf is dated May 11th, 2014. In section "2.Participating" it says

Quote:Interested people can get the needed parts from us. To participants not from Germany we sometimes also send complete kits as shown in Figure 1.

I couldn't find any other information about sources for acquiring the hardware thought I did find several notes discouraging us from designing or manufacturing our our PCBs. Did I miss something? Could you, please, point me to where the information resides?

Thanks a lot in advance,
The documentation says something general and a lot about System RED.
"System RED" is sold out - NOW is sold "System BLUE".
System Blue is the new generation. It is with SMD components and is almost fully assembled. You have to solder the missing large components.
Documentation for System BLUE is not finished yet.
Stations: 584, 585, 2017
Hello Victor,

The project is a bit between two phases right now.
The pdf linked in your previous post describes the old hardware revision called RED.

A new version called BLUE will be released very soon.
I suggest that you check for new announcements on http://en.blitzortung.org/whats_new.php and add you mail address on http://en.blitzortung.org/cover_your_area.php
You'll be recontacted by the devs with more information about how to get the new BLUE hardware when it is available.

Please be patient  Lightning

EDIT: Grilled by Richo Smile
Stations: 733, 1440, 2601
(2016-04-01, 09:08)DelandeC Wrote: Hello Victor,

The project is a bit between two phases right now.
The pdf linked in your previous post describes the old hardware revision called RED.

A new version called BLUE will be released very soon.
I suggest that you check for new announcements on http://en.blitzortung.org/whats_new.php and add you mail address on http://en.blitzortung.org/cover_your_area.php
You'll be recontacted by the devs with more information about how to get the new BLUE hardware when it is available.

Please be patient  Lightning

EDIT: Grilled by Richo Smile

Thanks a lot DelandeC and Richo, I'll be patient.

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