Blitzortung and Photography
Thanks for the pictures. I hope there will be more in the future.

I've just changed the cover photo on Facebook. We can do this from time to time, but not every day. Smile
Stations: 538, 1534, 1712, 2034, 2219, 3044
(2016-05-31, 19:51)Tobi Wrote: Thanks for the pictures. I hope there will be more in the future.

I've just changed the cover photo on Facebook. We can do this from time to time, but not every day. Smile

Thank you very much Tobi and all of your team.... 
It is my honor for sharing my picture. 
And i m a very proud to be a member of your network. 
My hope is to make more Greek people get involved with this project... 
Keep up the good job... 
Thanks again
Stations: 1300, 1319, 1326, 1425, 1572, 1575, 2341, 2907
Hi all! Keen lightning photographer from Newcastle, Australia here, and soon to be participant  Big Grin

Here's one of my best shots from our last storm season (taken late January)

Edit: should just clarify this is a composite of about 4 or 5 photos, taken with a Canon 600D and EF-S 10-18mm wide-angle lens. I use an AEO Photo lightning trigger, which they now seem to call the "Economy Trigger 4.0"

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Great photo, I am going to have to try this.
Kevin McCormick KB0UOI
Macomb, IL USA
Stations: 1539
Photography is not my hobby but I made a short video some time ago here in my hometown.
Sitting on the terrace whis a glas of good wine , listening music and watching the lighnings in the background. Those where so far away that we could not here any growling thunder:

73 de Hartmut / DK5LH

Stations: 1582
It's not much, but I got my first shot of the season! Almost missed this cell because the forecast wasn't likely for storms, it sort of dropped right on top of Newcastle.

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Stations: 1614
Lightning pics are fun.  I always look at radar to see what the storm motion is and plan a trip with enough lead time to get in position and have my escape route in case it gets bad.  I use the long exposure method with the camera set up on a tripod with a remote shutter button.  This pic is a 5 second exposure, ISO-100, f/6.3.

Got a bunch of great shots today, couldn't pick just one to post! All unedited, straight off the camera.

[Image: 30555437830_a6cd35819c_c.jpg]

[Image: 30856386465_63bc887874_c.jpg]

[Image: 30555425390_dc37a9e1be_c.jpg]

[Image: 30819859166_6355904d6e_c.jpg]
Stations: 1614
Hello to all friends. From the latest strom at my village in Central Greece a few days ago...

Stations: 1300, 1319, 1326, 1425, 1572, 1575, 2341, 2907
Some nice storms hit New South Wales yesterday. Unfortunately I misjudged the direction it would go when it came near the coast, so I was too far away to get any good photos, but more are forecast for this afternoon. Soundings and synoptic charts all look very good for strong storms Smile

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Stations: 1614
Definitely not alone. I enjoy many forms of photography including lightning photography

[Image: p424240435-4.jpg]

[Image: p127601591-4.jpg]

[Image: p42439911-4.jpg]
Michael Lloyd  NE5U
Weimar, TX USA
Stations: 1745
Few days ago in Levadia Central Greece. Red sprites caused by heavy activity about 100km far from the shooting point. HAve a nice day to all members!

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Stations: 1300, 1319, 1326, 1425, 1572, 1575, 2341, 2907
Here`s some tips! just make sure to set your lens to manual focus, it’ll give more control. Then, set camera ISO to the lowest. Your shutter speed should be longer as well to capture the lightning. As for your aperture, start out with an aperture of f/5.6. You can also use a lightning trigger, it’ll be easier to take the photograph. You can check out Nikon’s article on it

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