System Blue SW Upgrade / first time start-up
Hi all!

received my system blue some days ago, assembled it ... and after powering on it does not start-up.
Only power leds, GPS flashing were on and also ETH green/yellow flashing.

Finally there was no firmware on the board! I installed the SW via "DfuSe Demo-Software"-
The SW seems to be running but I have not added GPS and antennas so far. So only basically everythings seems to be ok.

Now it's working but showing a "Error: Invalid controller PCB detected! ". I did download a new one from the WEB server but got a "Firmware_8.0_BLUE.bin" file which seems to be not the same as a "DFU" file.

Does anybody know a download link for a "DFU" file since I would like to update via "DfuSe Demo-Software"?

OK guys, forget about my question, there is an embedded SW upgrade option in addition to the SW download option!
Anyway hope the info below helps those who had the same problem like me getting a board without FW.

Cheers and 73 Hartmut / DK5LH

Here a short description for those who will have the same problem when receiving a board without pre-installed FW:
- download the "DfuSe Demo-Software" and follow the instructions as descriped in the system blue manual
- in my case the driver was not found and not installed! Therefore look where the SW was installed: maybe c:\program File (x86)\STM microelectronics...
- here you will find the drivers for manually installation
- now after successfully installing drivers everything should work as described in the system blue manual...but for those who have the same PCB 19.3 board as's not the correct SW but seems to be running
73 de Hartmut / DK5LH

Stations: 1582
I'd email Egon. The system should have come preloaded.
Kevin McCormick KB0UOI
Macomb, IL USA
Stations: 1539

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