techical details, proceedures, data formats
(2017-07-09, 20:34)kevinmcc Wrote: Blue also has GPS synced NTP server, which could be useful.

You may want to message Egon with your desires, his email is posted different places.

Once your Blue station is operational, on the Blue station's web interface there is link with details about registration of the system.

You might be able to use the lightning data from Blitzortung for post processing of SKASA data, but you would need to create your own solution.

There are rules about using Blitzortung data, make sure you are not going to break the rules.


I'm in email contact with Egon. Your answers agree with his. His answers to technical questions are terse though. Are you involved in the software authoring for the blue or the servers? Who is? How did you come to know about the time server in the blue? Who is the go-to person who can answer technical questions in detail, who would have time for me and the engineering groups at the Green Bank radio telescope in WV, and the MeerKat radio telescope engineering group in South Africa?

I want to be clear that we will waste no one's time with beginner's questions, but I'm afraid that a bio comes off as an arrogance. I'm only trying to establish the technical level for a detailed conversation. Risking seeming arrogant:

I'm a retired Sillicon Valley engineer, at age 64 returned to graduate school for a PhD in Astrophysics after having designed logic chips at Fairchild, processor chips at AMD, ethernet bridges at Ungermann-Bass, and mobile scanning cellphone coverage diagnostic equipment for Southern Bell and others.

Academically I've completed all but my PhD thesis, and expect to graduate in a year or two. My thesis topic is a search for pulsars in the Andromeda/M31 galaxy using the Green Bank WV radio telescope, from which I've recorded 40 hours of signal into 8Tbytes of disk storage. I am now searching that data with C, Mathematica, and PYTHON programs.

I've designed FPGA and GPU back end equipment for the Green Bank radio telescope, to provide real time triggers on some interesting types of astronomical radio events.

I've built a blue station for the Green Bank telescope, now in testing and emitted RFI mitigation. I will build the first blue station for South Africa, to be sited at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Capetown as soon as Egon prioritizes the kit.

I'm working with the Square Kilometer Array radio telescope MeerKat engineering group to extend Blitzortung network coverage to South Africa, and north into sub Saharan Africa. Egon is encouraging this. We will be discussing site selection in a meeting tomorrow, Tuesday July 11th. What I have ready for that meeting is what can be seen in a google cloud drive directory at

This is light on the sort of technical detail we want.

Please help with technical detail, or explain how you came to be knowledgeable yourself, or point me to the go-to person who might help.

David Saroff, KM4DCQ
Charlottesville, VA
writing from Capetown, South Africa
Stations: 1916

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RE: techical details, proceedures, data formats - by davidsaroff - 2017-07-10, 09:09

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