home made ferrite antennas
there are various types of antennas you can use, besides the ferrites, for H band reception..... about the only issues with antennas are antenna delays, and folks wanting to 'tune them'.... this is a broadband unturned system...
you can use any type convenient as long as it 'isn't tuned' and will receive 3K-300KHZ. 
The E 'probe' is simply a piece of wire a few centimeters long...
There are some more types discussed here:
For the most part, the quality of data rests within the station configuration settings, GPS antenna, and your IP conntection network, through gains, thresholds, and any added filtering, etc... It's not so much dependent on 'range' of antenna, as it were.  My systems will 'detect' 4500+ miles easily. So would yours. I don't dare run it that high, I'd stay in interference mode constantly, and I never use the Automatic moder... I stay in manual.   I have trimmed mine back to 800-1200 miles max, and usually operate much lower because of local environment. And I run the E field even lower.
You'll learn your configurations and settings over time as you 'experiment' and 'observe'. 

Sort of relax a little bit... set the thing up, throw on some antennas, see what happens.  Antennas can be changed!
One thing about 'long distance reception", the controller only handles so many signals a second, and the more 'distanct strokes, coup0led with any local noise, can cause 'missing' strikes nearby....

You'll be in the Americas region, and will be "assisted" in locating strokes by the other stations, especially in the northern tier of the US, as well as the growing Western Canada branch....  In Americas, currently, a minimum of 8 detectors is require before a stroke is recognized, and locating is attempted... up to about 9 more additional may be used as 'secondaries' for QC and comparison... for example if you detect strokes in Virgina, say, you data would not be used, in all likelihood.

Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020

Messages In This Thread
home made ferrite antennas - by opadavis - 2017-07-22, 00:53
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by readbueno - 2017-07-22, 01:26
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by opadavis - 2017-07-22, 04:08
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by cutty - 2017-07-22, 10:58
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by Dale.Reid - 2017-07-22, 01:46
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by opadavis - 2017-07-22, 14:42
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by cutty - 2017-07-22, 15:23
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by opadavis - 2017-07-23, 14:42
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by pasense - 2017-07-23, 15:32
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by cutty - 2017-07-23, 18:36
RE: home made ferrite antennas - by pasense - 2017-07-23, 19:34

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