Determining lightning polarity (positive or negative) by raw signal processing?

Not posted anything for a long time, I installed the BLUE station 2959 in Resita city, Romania and will install my old station, 951 soon.

I gained interest again in this old idea, to estimate the polarities by signal processing.

Will start to code a prototype soon in python, and the steps I thought are the following:

1. Get a list of the detected strikes for a certain period (let's say, last 10 mins)

2. For each strike, get the involved station list

3. For each station, match the corresponding E-field signal, discard the stations that do not have E-field signals

4. Now we have a list of only valid E-field signals for a computed lightning

5. Use a python library (scipy) to analyze the signal and find the first E-field peak, discarding the unusable signals

6. Determine the dominant sign of the peak (+/-) and this I think should be the rough estimate of the polarity.

I am determined to do this, because after, I can analyze the spatial distribution of the lightning polarity and possible determine if a storm is super-cellular or not.

Any suggestions are appreciated,

Best regards, Liviu.

NOTE to moderators: you can move this thread to the Internal discussions
Stations: 2959

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RE: Determining lightning polarity (positive or negative) by raw signal processing? - by ThunderStorm - 2022-02-06, 10:37

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