Hi Alan, Many people with a station in a normal urban environment would never see a noise floor as low as that!
As mentioned above, it might be better to start with, trying only one channel at a time and even not connect the other channels, until you have at least one working.
The high pass filter might help with the peaks above 25 KHz. I think that is where it starts to really drop off. Switch it on and see if it helps.
It is not so much the actual voltage of the power supply that is the problem, that one does seem to be within the suggested range, but how much interference is imposed on that voltage.
To see that you need an oscilloscope, but a quick test would be to use 3 "C" cell 1.5 volt batteries to switch the system on and just compare the difference.
This is just a test, it would not be economical to run the system like this.
If you have an AM radio you can also listen for any local noise sources, LW would be best, but MW will still work as these types of noise have harmonics that go on for quite high frequencies. Just sweep the band and/or passively listen for computer noise say next to your computer keyboard, fluorescent lights, plasma TVs, fridges, central heating or air conditioning systems etc.
Then check if anything similar shows up next to your controller or the amplifiers/antennas.
Once you find one source, continue, if possible switching them off as you go, until you have eliminated all that you can, there will always be more, but Rome was not built in a day!.
Move your antennas as far from the noise sources as you can and in some cases you may have to de-noise the actual culprit with ferrite EMI suppressors on the leads running from them.
If it is a commercial article that is making the noise then the Manufacturer, supplier or installer may be able to help reduce the noise with specific filters or internal screening.
Or you may be able to provide extra screening yourself. No, I Don't mean for you to wear a tinfoil hat!
I am sure that you will get it sorted out.
Good Luck!
Edit. I believe that a ground loop may have taken out my controller. As it turns out, my computer and the router has a "UPS" and is in affect not at the same earth potential as the mains?
As mentioned above, it might be better to start with, trying only one channel at a time and even not connect the other channels, until you have at least one working.
The high pass filter might help with the peaks above 25 KHz. I think that is where it starts to really drop off. Switch it on and see if it helps.
It is not so much the actual voltage of the power supply that is the problem, that one does seem to be within the suggested range, but how much interference is imposed on that voltage.
To see that you need an oscilloscope, but a quick test would be to use 3 "C" cell 1.5 volt batteries to switch the system on and just compare the difference.
This is just a test, it would not be economical to run the system like this.
If you have an AM radio you can also listen for any local noise sources, LW would be best, but MW will still work as these types of noise have harmonics that go on for quite high frequencies. Just sweep the band and/or passively listen for computer noise say next to your computer keyboard, fluorescent lights, plasma TVs, fridges, central heating or air conditioning systems etc.
Then check if anything similar shows up next to your controller or the amplifiers/antennas.
Once you find one source, continue, if possible switching them off as you go, until you have eliminated all that you can, there will always be more, but Rome was not built in a day!.
Move your antennas as far from the noise sources as you can and in some cases you may have to de-noise the actual culprit with ferrite EMI suppressors on the leads running from them.
If it is a commercial article that is making the noise then the Manufacturer, supplier or installer may be able to help reduce the noise with specific filters or internal screening.
Or you may be able to provide extra screening yourself. No, I Don't mean for you to wear a tinfoil hat!

I am sure that you will get it sorted out.
Good Luck!
Edit. I believe that a ground loop may have taken out my controller. As it turns out, my computer and the router has a "UPS" and is in affect not at the same earth potential as the mains?