Full-screen switch for URL line?
(2018-08-21, 22:36)mwaters Wrote: Welcome Mr. Hun, Wink 
The F11 key in your web browser makes any webpage full-screen. I don't think it can be done using the URL field.
Actually, the only way to get Ligntning Maps ORG to display map in full screen is use the 'full screen' tick box under the settings menu. the map will then go full... using f11 only displays the page itself full screen...

No, on LMO this is not selectable with a URL parameter.
 in affect when you enter parameters into the url, to over-simplify, you are doing the job of a cookie, which should be saved for you hopefully....

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Messages In This Thread
Full-screen switch for URL line? - by Attila - 2018-08-21, 20:42
RE: Full-screen switch for URL line? - by cutty - 2018-08-21, 22:52

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