Heh.. Doc...
heh... the logging in is probably the 'least' confusing thing about this 'experimental' hobbyist network/system...
but glad you made it...
...yeah, the operators sort of write the manual.... heh...
You've got to go to the "Cover Your Area" page...
Make sure you explore everything there, and if you're convinced,
about midway down you'll see a small form to request a kit...
Having done that, prepare to be patient...
Kits are produced in 'limited' batches, giving the developer team a chance to make any
discovered hardware glitches, etc, between production runs, etc...
and the offers to purchase are prioritized something like this:
1 Current Operators with an obsolete Green System... a few remain...
2. Current Operators for various reasons....
3. Systems for world regions where the station density is low, such as Africa, etc.
4. And then we get tp the order on the list you'll be signing up on....

which is quite long....
SW Ohio geographically is excellent.... I'm 80 mi south of Cinti and if it weren't for all my local noise sources, we'd be detecting pretty much all of NA, and a lot of SA... now, locating is a different story.... as you'll see this is about 'locating' sferics, not just 'detecting' them... and is based on the timing of detection, and quality of data received across the nominal 3-30kHz band, though we can process up to 300kHz BW of impulse energy. that's currently restricted to approx. 220kHz on System Blue....
Your kit, when you get it, will be mostly assembled, except for some jacks and optional items...
just remember the proper end of the soldering iron to grab is the cold one