Propagation... why do I miss some signals?
(2018-11-08, 17:47)mwaters Wrote: I found this ELF propagation link from and plan on studying it a little. The goal is to find out whether a skip zone exists at ~16 kHz.

While you're absorbing the link you posted...
(here's direct link to paper:  WAVE GUIDE }

You might add these two additional factors... as 'starter' papers....
Impulse Earth Surface
Coupling Mechanism

[Image: smallprobe.png]

There's a point where I become very enamored with the basic 'light switch' theory... throw the switch, stuff happens... hopefully.

Stations: 689, 791, 1439, 3020

Messages In This Thread
RE: Propagation... why do I miss some signals? - by cutty - 2018-11-09, 17:13

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